• Core Technology

WORLD No.1 EHS Solution
Provider for your Laboratory

We provide integrated laboratory EHS solutions based on our toxic gas purification technology
and IoT management platform to transform laboratories into environmentally
– friendly, safe and healthy work environments for researchers.

TOGA® stands form
Toxic Gas Clean
Air System

Many people who work in laboratories, factories and other workplaces dealing with chemicals are exposed to toxic gases. TOGA® brand products purify the air of toxic gases, keeping


We have experience working with every kind of lab, in every major industry. No matter the application
EHS is always at the core of our business and our product development. Researcher health and safety, and environmental protection are our top priorities.
We improve safety by adopting advanced technologies. We are evolving a company to become an integrated lab safety solution provider
by utilizing Industry 4.0 technologies such as IoT and AI.